The capacity of the executive which will give the effect on the effectiveness of the school where belongs to Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5, Lopburi


  • Kittichai Tiankai


Competency of administrators, Effectiveness of schools


This research has objectives for; 1) Studying the capacity level of the executive in the basic education office. 2) Studying the effectiveness level of the school. 3) Studying the capacity level of the executive which will give the effect on the effectiveness of the school and; 4) Studying the problem, the obstacle and the suggestion in working according to the capacity of the executive and the effectiveness of the school where belongs to Primary and Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5, Lopburi. The sample will be consist of 22 school executives, 295 teachers, the total will be 317 persons. Using tool in the research is the questionnaire related to the capacity of the executive and the effectiveness of the school. Using statistic in the information analysis will be the frequency, the percentage, the average, the standard deviation, the correlation coefficient value, the multiple linear regression in the procedure and the content analysis. The research result is found that;  1) For the overall capacity of the executive in the basic education office which belongs to Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5, Lopburi, this will have the average in the high level. 2) For the overall effectiveness of the school and in each side which belongs to Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5, Lopburi, this will have the average in the high level. 3) For the overall capacity of the executive in the analysis, the synthesis in the communication, the motivation and the good service, this will give the effect on the effectiveness of the school which belongs to Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5, Lopburi, this will have the statistical significance at the level of 0.05. 4) For the problem, the obstacle and the suggestion in working of the executive,  this is found that there are different requirements of parents who have come to contact with the government service. Second, some executives place themselves in the unfair position.


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