A guideline for unifying the collaboration for prevention of drug-related problems in the area of Mueang District, Kamphaeng Phet Province


  • Chalisa Siritrammaket สาขาวิชารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาราชภัฏกำแพงเพชร


unifying, collaboration, drug-related problems


          This research project aimed to study the guideline for unifying the collaboration for prevention of drug-related problems in the area of Mueang District, Kamphaeng Phet Province, between related authorities, the government sector, organizations, and the public sector in the local area. The samples of this research project were those who were involved with the drug prevention program, namely, 117 supervisors and department chiefs of related authorities, the government sector, organizations, and the public sector. The instruments used were an in-depth interview, regarding the guideline for unifying the collaboration for drug prevention in the area of Mueang District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. The author analyzed the data by conducting the word-by-word transcription of the interview and the typological analysis; and summarized the result in the form of descriptive analysis. The result reveals that ; The studying of a guideline for unifying the collaboration for prevention of drug-related problems in the area of Mueang District, Kamphaeng Phet Province reveals that the guideline that is being used currently, which was designed as per the government’s policy, is incapable of solving the drug-related problems in the long term. The evidence of such a failure is the prevalence of drugs in the area and the change in the methods used for delivering and marketing that make the investigation more difficult. The guideline for unifying the collaboration for drug prevention will require the collaboration of the local people, namely, the activists, the supporters, and the networks of drug prevention in the area, as well as the targeted groups. In terms of the operation under the guideline for unifying the collaboration for drug prevention, the author found that the drug prevention operate faces many problems, including the lack of budget required for the operation, the opposition from the community, the lack of the public mind among members of the community, and the lack of collaboration from drug users and their families.


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