The outcome of applying the Yonisomanasikara thinking technique for adjustment among the 3rd-grade students of the lower secondary school of Pibulsongkroh 1 School, Mueang District of Lopburi Province


  • Kaewjai Sisuwor Senior Professional Level Teachers, Pibulsongkroh 1 School Lopburi Province


Yonisomanasikara thinking technique, social adjustment


This research project aimed to study and compare the students’ social adjustment ability after attending the training course on the Yonisomanasikara thinking technique, in comparison to the social adjustment ability of students that didn’t attend the training course on the Yonisomanasikara thinking technique. And to study the students’ satisfaction, after attending the training course on Yonisomanasikara thinking technique, with the improvement of their social adjustment ability. The samples of this project were 20 3rd grade students of the lower secondary school of Pibulsongkroh 1 School, Mueang District of Lopburi Province, during the Academic Year 1/2018. The samples were picked from students with social adjustment-related problems. The instruments used were, including, the activity schedule for the training course on Yonisomanasikara thinking technique, the social adjustment evaluation form, and the satisfaction survey for attending the training course on Yonisomanasikara thinking technique. The statistics used were mean, standard deviation, and dependent and independent t-test. The result reveals that; 1) After attending the training course on the Yonisomanasikara thinking technique, students’ social adjustment ability appeared to improve significantly, with the level of statistical significance of .05. 2) After attending the training course on the Yonisomanasikara thinking technique, students who attend the training course appeared to have a higher level of social adjustment ability, in comparison to those who didn’t attend the training course on the Yonisomanasikara thinking technique, with the level of statistical significance of .05. 2) After attending the training course on the Yonisomanasikara thinking technique, students who attend the training course appeared to be highly satisfied with the training course on the Yonisomanasikara thinking technique; with the highest overall score, mean of 4.55, and standard deviation of 0.201.


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