Docile bodies through Educational system: Not Just Hairstyle or Student Uniform but Standard Pen Grasp


  • Phanthip Petchvichit Social Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thepsatri Rajabhat University


discourse, pen grasp, educational system, handwriting


This article aims to reveal how bio-power, Foucault's conception, manages the human body through the modern education system. Nowadays, several Thai students call out their freedom to choose their hairstyles and choose to dress in school uniforms, but they overlook the most basic school discipline that governs themselves naively. The relationship between standard pen grasp pattern and handwriting is a discourse and myth be constructed in the school system, which is the bio-power that governs their bodies through their lives. This article demonstrates the origin of the standard pen grasp as the discourse in the modern educational system that has been less discussed than hairstyles and uniforms. Although, this is one of Foucault's discipline examples.


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