The Developing of the Supplementary Reading on Social studies (History subject) on Title “Ancient civilizations” for the students of mattayom 4 of Muang Sawankalok Municipal Secondary School


  • Nudjara Phosom Social Education, Faculty of Education, Uttaradit Rajabhat University
  • Winai Lamphakdee Muang Sawankhalok Municipal Secondary School, Sawankholok district, Sukhothai province
  • Punnida Ubpanong Social Education, Faculty of Education, Uttaradit Rajabhat University


Supplementary reading, Ancient civilizations, The Development of Learning Achievement


The purposes of this research are to create and to find the efficiency of the Developing of the Supplementary Reading on Social Studies (History subject) on Title “Ancient civilizations” that followed 80/80 of the standard. To compare the achievement of before and after learning with these books. And to find the satisfaction of the students to the Supplementary reading. The example group study is the 36 students of Matthayom 4/1 of Muang Sawankhalok Municipal Secondary School in semester 2/2562 chosen by Sample Random Sampling. The tools of this research are the Supplementary reading on Social Studies (History subject) on Title “Ancient civilizations”, the achievement test and the student’s satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used are mean, standard deviation and t-test. The result reveals that; 1) The efficiency of the Supplementary Reading on Social Studies (History subject) on Title “Ancient civilizations” is 87.5/89.7 that is higher than 80/80 of the standard. 2) The achievement after learning with the Supplementary reading is higher than before learning with statistical significance of .05 level. 3) The students’ satisfaction to the Supplementary reading is on the highest level.


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