Performance Appraisal of Temporary Employees Dan Khun Thot Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima Province


  • Ratchadaporn Tabudom Dan Khun Thot Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima Province


Employee Engagement, Performance Appraisal, Temporary Employee


This research aims to study attachment of temporary employees towards Dan Khun Thot Hospital, to Performance appraise of temporary employees, and to understand a relationship between Employee Engagement the organization and performance appraisal of Dan Khun Thot Hospital’s temporary employees. A research population includes 148 temporary employees and unit head at Dan Khun Thot Hospital, Dan Khun Thot District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Research instruments consist of questionnaire for attachment towards Dan Khun Thot Hospital and performance appraisal form for temporary employees. Statistics include frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Research findings are as follows ; 1) Attachment of temporary employees towards Dan Khun Thot Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima Province is in general at a high level. 2) Overall the performance of the temporary employees in Dan Khun Thot Hospital is at high level. The attitude and individuality aspects is at high level as well. 3) The relationship between the organizational commitment and the effectiveness of performance of the temporary employees is at low level. The relationship of the ability of the performance is at high level.


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