Development oDevelopment of Verbal Communication Skills Using Ultimate Werewolf Board Game in the Thai Language 1 (T 21101) class for Matthayom 1 Students in Klangdong Poonna Vitthaya School, Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasimaf Verbal Communication Skills Using Ultimate Werewolf Board Game in the Thai Language 1 (T 21101) class for Matthayom 1 Students in Klangdong Poonna Vitthaya School, Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima


  • Pimsiree Pumpit Thai Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thepsatri Rajabhat University


Verbal Communication, Ultimate Werewolf board game, Academic Performance


This research aims to compare pre-activity and post-activity verbal communication skills of Matthayom 1 students by using Ultimate Werewolf board game to evaluate their performance in the Thai Language 1 (T 21101) class, and to study the post-activity satisfaction level of the students. Research samples consist of 33 Matthayom 1 students in Klangdong Poonna Vitthaya School, Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima, attending the second semester of the 2020 academic year. Research tools consist of learning activity plans, verbal communication skills test, academic performance test, and learning satisfaction test. Statistical analysis consists of mean and standard deviation. Study results revealed that: 1) After attending the Thai Language 1 (T 21101) class, students performed better in terms of verbal communication. 2) After attending the Thai Language 1 (T 21101) class, students have better academic performance. 3) Overall, students are satisfied with activities which applied Ultimate Werewolf board game. Their satisfaction was at highest level, with the mean of 4.58, and the standard deviation of 0.46, respectively.


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