Logo Development and Branding of Community Products: A Case Study of Fermented Fish Chili Paste Products, Nam Song Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District Nakhon Sawan Province


  • Pichit Sricharoen Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University


Brand, Community product, Fermented fish chili paste products


This research aims to develop a logo and build a brand of fermented fish chili paste products for Nam Song Sub-district community, Phayuha Khiri District Nakhon Sawan Province and to understand satisfaction from entrepreneurs and customers of fermented fish chili paste products towards the logo and branding of Nam Song Sub-district community, Phayuha Khiri District Nakhon Sawan Province.  The sample group included 9 entrepreneurs of fermented fish chili paste products and 50 purchasers. Research instruments to collect data were a questionnaire and satisfaction survey. Resulting of this research revealed that: 1) Regarding to logo development and branding of fermented fish chili paste products for Nam Song Sub-district community, Phayuha Khiri District Nakhon Sawan Province, entrepreneurs wanted a new-pattern logo with its own identity as much as possible, as the graphics that were patterned with three dimensional “Phrik Nam Song” (Nam Song Chili) were outstanding, beautiful and eye-catching which represented simplicity and spiciness. This expressed deliciousness of the community’s fermented fish chili paste. 2) Entrepreneurs and customers had the highest level of satisfaction towards the logo and branding of community products.


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