Bollywood Film - Induce (2010 – 2020) Tourist Motivation, The Case of Thailand
Bollywood, Tourist, Motivation, Revisitบทคัดย่อ
India is among the largest countries in the world, which means that it is a potential market for countries like Thailand to attract their population for a holiday visit. Sceneries and attracts attract not only tourists but also film-making companies. There are countless Indian films shot in Thailand. Therefore, this study aims to investigate film-induced tourism in Thailand among Indian tourists by looking at the relationship between motivation, destination image, and (re)visit intention. The population of this study will be Indian Bollywood film viewers in Mumbai; the number of samples in this study is 220.
The SEM findings show that motivation directly affects destination image and (re)visit intention, respectively, which offer a positive influence. The positive impact means that if motivation increases, destination image and (re)visit intention will also increase. On the other hand, if motivation decreases, destination image and revisit purpose will decrease. Moreover, the findings suggested that reason indirectly influences (re)visit intention, and destination image directly affects (re)visit goal. Likewise, the relationship follows the same direction, which means that if destination image increases, (re)visit intention will also increase, and vice versa. Based on these findings, it can also be implied that the destination image can be considered as a partial mediator variable between motivation and (re)visit intention. The influence of destination is only partial, as motivation also directly affects (re)visit intention while also impacting (re)visit meaning through destination image.
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