Factors Influencing Innovative Work Behaviour in University in Yunnan, China


  • Zizhen Shao SuanSunandhaRajabhat University
  • Chaithanaskorn Phawitpiriyakliti SuanSunandhaRajabhat University
  • Sid Terason Kasetsart University


Digital Leadership, Digital Culture, Innovation Willingness, Human Capital Enhancement


       This study aims to determine the relationship and effects between digital leadership, digital culture, innovation willingness on innovative work behavior of universities in China. This research is quantitative research. Population and sample for the study is college teachers and scholars of universities in Yunnan Province, this study uses the combination of stratified sampling and random sampling to sample universities with different rankings in different Yunnan Province.
       The study showed a lowly significant positive relationship between innovation willingness and innovative work behavior. We found that innovation work behavior had moderately significant positive relationships with digital leadership and digital culture. In this study, the results of the multiple regression analysis conducted using the backward method. As these results indicate, our analysis determined that 64.4% of the changes in the innovation work behaviorwere explained by the changes in the four dimensions. According to these results, the value innovation work behaviorcan be formulated as follows: “Innovation Work Behavior= 5.960 + (0.756 x digital leadership) + (0.129 x digital culture) + (0.062 x innovation willingness developed)”


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