Factors affecting students' entry into entrepreneurship in Higher education institutions under the network of the upper central region of the Office of the Commission on Higher Education in Thailand


  • Pattarada Rungruang Southeast Bangkok University, Thailand
  • Ampol Navavongsathian Southeast Bangkok University, Thailand
  • Sirirat Pimpangnga Southeast Bangkok University, Thailand


Factor affecting, Entry into entrepreneurship, Higher education, Thailand


This research aims to analyze the factors affecting the entry into entrepreneurship of students in higher education institutions under the network of the upper central region of Thailand. The primary data was collected from an online questionnaire sent to 400 samples, obtained by random sampling method selected from students in public and private institutions. The structural equation model was applied for analysis. The results showed that economic factors were risk tolerance, returns in monetary terms, and the cost of starting a new business. The motivation factors were being the boss, having the highest success, and social acceptance. The commitment factors include acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, perseverance, and belief in success to influence entry into successful entrepreneurship of students in Thai higher education institutions under the upper central region network


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How to Cite

Rungruang, P., Navavongsathian, A., & Pimpangnga, S. (2024). Factors affecting students’ entry into entrepreneurship in Higher education institutions under the network of the upper central region of the Office of the Commission on Higher Education in Thailand. วารสารการวิจัยการบริหารการพัฒนา, 14(2), 511–527. สืบค้น จาก https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDAR/article/view/273418