Public space design process to support community activities: A case study of Bueng Kham Si, Si That District, Udon Thani Province

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Mathinee Khotdee


The area of Bueng Kham Si, Si That district, Udon Thani Province has relation with the
various communities, especially in terms of a wetland that has affected the way of life of people of Si That District from the past to present. With the area of approximately 152 rai, Bung Kam Sri are separated by two governmental sectors comprising of Si That Subdistrict Municipality and Si That Sub-district Administration Organization.
Bueng Kham Si space design needs the participation of various stakeholders such as, leaders and people of each community and relevant agencies. The participants of the study are divided into sub-groups to collect data, which is analyzed to decide the public design’s potentials and establish guidelines for Bueng Kham Si community’s public space design, form the processes of the study. The community’s participation and the network are important because the community could be proud of making decision of their own activities. The participation process makes the communities aware of an importance of the area and have influences on the development of Bueng Kham Si area efficiently.

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How to Cite
Khotdee, M. . (2019). Public space design process to support community activities: A case study of Bueng Kham Si, Si That District, Udon Thani Province. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 1(1), 45–63. Retrieved from


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