Primary Messages System and Cultural Landscape: Bangkok Noi Mosque Community

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Wanida Numsuk


Bangkok Noi Mosque Community has a very long and important history from Sukhothai to Rattanakosin’s period. Moreover, it is a splendid cultural landscape because of specific location, Islamic culture and Thai riverside community. There are a lot of changes in this community causes by both inside and outside conditions. The result of study from observation in landscape areas and culture in this community, there is a coexistence of human behavior, which can be called Primary
Message System (PMS). It is clear that changes of landscape in the period of time is directly related to Islamic culture, including behaviors or Muslim’s way of life and to the relationship with nature. A long times ago, the behaviors; interaction, association, subsistence, territoriality, learning, playing, defense and exploitation of community people are completely related to nature. Unlike at present, a relationship between community and the nature has disappeared. However, the behavior; bisexuality concept and temporality of people still have strong identity. As a result, the physical area clearly conveys the meaning of cultural landscape of this Muslim community.

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How to Cite
Numsuk, W. (2019). Primary Messages System and Cultural Landscape: Bangkok Noi Mosque Community. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 1(1), 65–86. Retrieved from


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