Discovery Learning of the Students in Landscape Architecture: Case Studies of Landscape Architectural Design Practice

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Supaschaya Prachchayakup


Based on the Theory of Learning by Discovery introduced by Jerome S. Bruner (1961), the researcher intended to apply the mentioned theory with the third-year students learning Landscape Architecture by means of Studio Teaching. This approach consisted of 4 steps, namely, surveying contexts and environments, analysis and synthesizing data, and finally developing an idea into a suitable landscape design to practice creating a conceptual model. The teaching focused mainly on the development of the learners’ ability and skills to learn, to understand and to create a learning process to use as a tool to discover knowledge by themselves. This theory of learning is based on two assumptions: iconic representation and symbolic representation developments.

The target samples of this study were third-year students, who were learning P. 332: Landscape Architecture and selected by means of a purposive sampling technique. The course of study using Studio Teaching Approach had both lectures on theories and practicum parts, and students’ tasks were examined individually by the instructor (researcher) and the students. There were 2 parts of research tools. One was learning skills through drafting development process, a set of questionnaires. This study was expected that the Discovery Learning in Landscape Architecture would help the students initiate their skills with environments by themselves to develop their landscape architecture furfure and a set of questionnaires.

The results of the study were as follows: Firstly, it was found that the students made use80% of their thinking development as a tool to discover their knowledge in the stage of drafting landscape architecture design, and used 20% of their symbolic development showing drafting symbols via thinking process to communicate with their instructors quickly. As a result, their designs were very good. In addition, the results of symbolic development through design drafting could help to explain the exchange of their ideas and could be used significantly as a tool for them in learning landscape architecture design.

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How to Cite
Prachchayakup, S. (2019). Discovery Learning of the Students in Landscape Architecture: Case Studies of Landscape Architectural Design Practice. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 1(1), 87–106. Retrieved from


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