Conceptualisations and Expectations for the Landscape of a Place Designed for Enhancing the Elderly Well-being in the Municipal Context: a Case Study of the Elderly Centre, Saensuk Municupality, Chonburi Province

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Tanasi Samphantharak Petyim
Prapassara Naka Phanumphai
Piyaphon Sutthisap


Gathering research data in parallel with working on a design project, the research aims to gain insight into the needs, expectations, opinions, experiences as well as behaviours of the elderly and other stakeholders who involved in the design process and will be the users of outdoor spaces in an elderly centre which is operated by a local government of a municipality. In the case of Saensuk Elderly Centre, as part of the designer team, who applied the participatory design process for
the project, the researchers conducted participant observation as the main method for the data collection process, additionally relevant evidence in different forms was gathered. By using thematic analysis method, the data were scrutinised and analysed into themes. Theories related to the issues of place and identity were applied as the main conceptual framework. The results show that both the elderly and the local personnel shared a dream of a place that can show certain local characteristics and respond to their needs. A sense of belonging was also expressed. Furthermore, expectations and concerns are considered as a common issue reflected by participants in different groups. The findings underline the importance of the design consideration emerged from particular local contexts which should be elaborately blended together with the standard guideline for age-friendly design when designing a public open space for the older people.

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How to Cite
Samphantharak Petyim, T., Naka Phanumphai, P., & Sutthisap, P. (2019). Conceptualisations and Expectations for the Landscape of a Place Designed for Enhancing the Elderly Well-being in the Municipal Context: a Case Study of the Elderly Centre, Saensuk Municupality, Chonburi Province. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 1(1), 107–123. Retrieved from


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