Knowledge Management of Universal Design Development in Outdoor Public Space Case Study of Thammasat University Rangsit Campus

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Pawin Sirisali
Choomket Sawangjaroen


Thammasat University has started accepting students with disabilities since the academic year 2003, but found that 70 percent of the disabled students did not pass the standard criteria, which caused the disabled students lacking the necessary facilities to support them to be able to study as well as general students especially outdoor public areas. The university therefore developed the area, according to the universal design concept to support students with disabilities and all groups of people until now. The article aims to learn a development lesson of Universal design in outdoor public areas in Thammasat University Rangsit Campus by focusing on knowledge management and content analysis process. The conclusion is that there are 3 periods of development 1. The initial period 2. The strong policy period 3. The effective period. Suggestions topics for future are: 1) Maintenance plan, budget, staff, and knowledge management 2) Study of main usage areas 3) Pedestrian connection 4) Equality in use and society and 5) Safety.

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How to Cite
Sirisali, P., & Sawangjaroen, C. (2019). Knowledge Management of Universal Design Development in Outdoor Public Space Case Study of Thammasat University Rangsit Campus. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 1(1), 125–139. retrieved from


“กฎกระทรวงกำหนดสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกในอาคารสำหรับผู้พิการหรือทุพพลภาพ และคนชรา พ.ศ. 2548” (2 กรกฎาคม 2548). ราชกิจจานุเบกษา. เล่่ม 122 ตอนที่ 52 ก. หน้า 4-18.

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