Cultural Landscape of the Pathway Along the Water’s Edge District in Thailand

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Worasak Luangsuwan
Suphat Bunyarittiki
Ratinan Virachati


Reinforce concrete structures such as retention edge or pathway along the water’s edge district as a part of city development in Thailand are normally implemented as a typical design of one for all. Interestingly, there are hardly research in this particular value character of the district on the other hands, there are lots of research in way of life. This kind of reinforce concrete pathway always serves as a main circulation in the community as well as a part of cultural landscape of the country which is essential consideration as a connectivity element reflecting district value and the relationship between life, occupation, and community heritage. The intention of this study is to document interesting character of the reinforce concrete pathway along the water’s edge district for designer to realize that how important is a cultural landscape element effecting our heritage. The research is divided into three parts according to physical characters of water’s edge community. The first is stream flow comprising of the small size - mine shaft and drainage chute, the medium size – canal, and the large one is river. The second is still waters of ponds, ponds, and ponds, which have two types: one is paddy fields, small ponds, and the other is medium-large pools. The last is sea source, which are estuary and beach.


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How to Cite
Luangsuwan, W. ., Bunyarittiki, S. ., & Virachati, R. . (2021). Cultural Landscape of the Pathway Along the Water’s Edge District in Thailand. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 3(1), 123–137. retrieved from


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