Potential Spatial Analysis of West Coast Tourism Development Zone for Wellness Tourism Destination

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Chawaporn Suksri
Onumpai Samkhuntod


This research article contains two objectives; to study the potential spatial analysis of west coast zone (Thailand Riviera) and develop the area to  be a wellness tourism destination. The study area covers Phetchaburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Chumphon, and Ranong province. The secondary data gathering, site survey, evaluation potential physical environment along with the analysis method leads to appropriate suggestions for tourism development. The prior phase of the study found that there are 18 potential tourism sites which could be identified tourism image following the physical environment. The overall tourism image of the west coast tourism development zone should be the wellness tourism destination. Phetchaburi province has a holistic wellness tourism destination; therefore, it should enhance tourist services, facilities, and other tourist activities. Prachuap Khiri Khan province has a recreation wellness tourism and should be developed into family and wellness city. Chumphon province has an eco wellness tourism; thus, it should develop a link to the gulf of Thailand and Andaman area. Ranong province has a romantic and retreat wellness image; hence, it should be developed to high-class wellness tourism destination. According to potential spatial analysis of the 18 tourism sites, Hua Hin is capable to be transformed into transportation center of the west coast tourism development zone. Subsequently, the study proposes Hua Hin and also Pran Buri - Sam Roi Yot area to be enhanced as a hub of west coast tourism development zone or Thailand Riviera Capital.

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How to Cite
Suksri, C., & Samkhuntod, O. . (2021). Potential Spatial Analysis of West Coast Tourism Development Zone for Wellness Tourism Destination. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 3(1), 41–66. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LAJ/article/view/250324


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