Landscape Adaptations and Mitigations for the Impacts of Industrialization on the Food Security: Case Study of Klong Om, Tambol Khao Din, Bangpakong District, Chachoengsao

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Ariya Aruninta
Varissara Dhammasiri


This article summarizes the outcomes from the studies of the river delta wetland from landscape architectural design and planning. The studies aims to introduce the landscape adaptations and mitigations for the Impacts of Industrialization on the Food Security: Case Study of Klong Om, Tambol Khao Din, Bangpakong District, Chachoengsao. The case study is in the area where EEC covers from the east of Bangkok to these following provinces; Rayong, Chon Buri and Chachoengsao through the fragile wetland of Bangpakong River delta. This large-scaled economic development plan will affect the cultural landscape of the riparian area where there are three different types of ecosystem by the seasons in a year; 1) fresh 2) brackish and 3) salt waters. The dynamic nature of the Bangpakong River has performed a crucial role for breeding and feeding sites for various aquatic vegetation and animals, especially those contribute to household food security. The objectives of the studies are to protect the rich wetland ecosystems and be integrated to the economic development plan in order to reduce the impacts to the cultural landscape and food security. The value of the environmental attractiveness as a resource can draw in investment and jobs and enhances the value of property in the longer term as in the 4 proposed themes; 1) Ecological Service 2) Hybrid Farming Agriculture 3) Aquaculture and 4) The Cultural Landscape and Resilient Communities. The two exercises were performed as part of a Bachelor Thesis in Landscape Architecture and the site of the 2020 International Workshop in Urban Landscape (IWUL 2020), hosted by Department of Landscape Architecture, Chulalongkorn University with the collaborations of University of Seoul (UoS), Tokyo City University (TCU), Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEI) and Istanbul Technical University (ITU). Finally, there are 8 schemes from the 4 themes.

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How to Cite
Aruninta, A., & Dhammasiri, V. (2020). Landscape Adaptations and Mitigations for the Impacts of Industrialization on the Food Security: Case Study of Klong Om, Tambol Khao Din, Bangpakong District, Chachoengsao. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 2(1), 17–37. Retrieved from


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