Developing Green Network in Phuket Old Town for Promoting a Walkable City

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Jidapa Chayakul


Walkable City is a concept to develop a pedestrian friendly city by promoting bicycle uses and mass transit to help solve crucial problems in the city. It currently has been widely developed in many cities around the world. Urban green network is one of the key strategies that has been extensively used to create a walkable city. To mitigate the physical problems arising from the rapid growth of the tourism industry, including environmental, traffic and pollution issues, that lead to the deterioration of the city and socioeconomic disparities, this paper aims to illustrate the potential areas for developing the green walkable network in Phuket Old Town. The study reviews background, policies, as well as the concepts of green networks and walkable city. Then, it combines the collecting data from surveys to analyze network potential areas. The paper summarizes the possibilities and values of the potential sites and suggests the potential green network for Phuket old town for developing further in planning the green network, as well as creating policies to accommodate the resilient development and for expansion in the future.

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How to Cite
Chayakul, J. (2020). Developing Green Network in Phuket Old Town for Promoting a Walkable City. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 2(1), 145–162. Retrieved from


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