Brownfield Redevelopment in Thailand

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Naweepahb Taksayos


Brownfield is one of the environmental development processes in urban area. In order to reuse the land, the redevelopment is required to clean up the presence hazardous substance or contamination where the success of redevelopment is derived from policy and tools. The objective of this article is to study the brownfield redevelopment process in Thailand through the regional brownfield redevelopment projects by referring to the concept, definition, classification, procedure, and redevelopment process. This article exemplifies five study cases of brownfield redevelopment projects in Thailand that have been successfully developed, which are Kaomai Estate 1955, Nhapha Khao Yai Resort, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music and Rama VIII Park, Ramintra Sport Park and Benchakitti Park. The study demonstrates that the Brownfield projects in Thailand mostly located in the city, with high potential in redevelopment led by government. Also, most of the redevelopment projects were the abandoned factories with low-risk hazard degree and showed least evidence in contamination. As a result, redevelopment process is less complex and able to utilize the existing historical building. It is essential to set up the policy and the process in Brownfield redevelopment in Thailand to stimulate the successful and sustainable development.

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How to Cite
Taksayos, N. (2022). Brownfield Redevelopment in Thailand. Journal of Landscape Architecture and Planning, 4(1), 26–42. Retrieved from


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