All authors are advised to study the ThaiJo system's manual before using it for the first time.
Please be aware that the journal only accepts articles sent in using the ThaiJo system.
Do not accept any article submissions or supporting documents through other channels.
The journal won't accept articles on the same topic or ones that have already been published in other journals.
1. Manual | |
2. Articles |
3. Cover Letter (PDF) | |
4. Referencing and citation |
5. Checking Plagiarism (PDF) |
Akarawisut for personnel of Chulalongkorn University only |
5.1 Thai articles by Akarawisut |
5.2 English articles by Turnitin |
6. Publication fee: 3000 baht |
6.1 Scan QR code | |
6.2 Payment documents (JPEG/PDF) *(Must be submitted in both of System and Google form) |