Effect of a self-disclosure program on peer relationships and collaborative working skills of Third grade student


  • Tanrada Kaewkunha Graduate Student of Educational Psychology Division, Department of Educational Research and Psychology, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Chutima Suraseth Educational Psychology Division, Department of Educational Research and Psychology, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


peer relationships, collaborative working skills, self-disclosure


This quasi-experimental research used a pretest-posttest control design to investigate the effect of a self-disclosure program on peer relationships and collaborative working skills of third-grade students. The participants were 40 students from a public elementary school in Bangkok, Thailand. The objective of the study was to compare peer relationships and collaborative working skills in the third-grade students between the experimental group and the control group. The groups were assessed before and after the experiment, and also in subsequent follow up periods. Treatment of this experiment was through a self-disclosure program based on a cognitive–social learning model of social-skills training. The experimental group participated in 10 sessions of 50-minute duration per session over 2 weeks. The data were collected by the peer relationships questionnaire and the collaborative working skills questionnaire. After MANOVA and repeated MANOVA analysis, the experimental results showed 1) The experimental group, after participating in a self-disclosure program, at post and follow up period, had higher levels of peer relationships and collaborative working skills than the control group, with a statistical significance of .05. 2) The level of peer relationships and collaborative working skills in the experimental group, at post and follow up periods, were higher than at the pretest, with a statistical significance of .05.


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How to Cite

Kaewkunha, T., & Suraseth, C. (2020). Effect of a self-disclosure program on peer relationships and collaborative working skills of Third grade student. An Online Journal of Education, 15(2), OJED1502022 (16 pages). Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/OJED/article/view/242256