Guidelines for Development of Thai Teachers in English Program in Secondary Schools under the Office of Education Commission in Bangkok


  • Panupong Jaiyeakyen Chulalongkorn University
  • Jurairat Sudrung Chulalongkorn University


guidelines for development teachers, Thai teachers, English program


The current research endeavor aimed to first, study the current conditions concerning skills of Thai teachers teaching English under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Second, the research sought to suggest approaches to develop Thai teachers under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The sample consisted of 253 Thai teachers teaching English under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Twenty of them were interviewed. The study tools were a questionnaire and two semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the approaches to develop Thai teachers teaching English under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office are as follows. First, in terms of the development of communicative English, Thai teachers should be surrounded by foreign teachers. Second, regarding the development of instruction, Thai teachers, along with foreign teachers, should plan English instruction by letting foreign teachers be proofreaders. Third, in terms of instructional media and tools, Thai teachers should produce learning materials in English and let foreign teachers be proofreaders. Fourth, the development in assessment, encouraged Thai teachers and foreign teachers plan assessment methods together. Fifth, in terms of the development of extracurricular activities, Thai teachers should be supported to observe activities both domestically and abroad and organize collaborative extracurricular activities such as competition events in mathematics, science, careers and technology, social studies and more by using English as a medium of competition.


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How to Cite

Jaiyeakyen , P. ., & Sudrung , J. . (2020). Guidelines for Development of Thai Teachers in English Program in Secondary Schools under the Office of Education Commission in Bangkok . An Online Journal of Education, 15(2), OJED1502042 (14 pages). Retrieved from