Effects of Organizing Mathematics Learning Activities Using REACT Strategies on Mathematical Connection Ability of Eighth Grade Students
REACT strategies, mathematical connection abilityAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to compare mathematical connection ability of the students before and after organizing mathematics learning activities using REACT strategies, 2) to compare mathematical connection ability of the student after organizing mathematics learning activities using REACT strategies to the 60%, 3) to study the development of mathematical connection ability of the students between during organizing mathematics learning activities using REACT strategies. The subjects were 34 eighth grade students. The experimental instruments were the lesson plan focusing on organizing mathematics learning activities using REACT strategies. The data were collected by using the mathematical connection ability tests. Such the data so obtained were analyzed by using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, and by content analysis. The results of the research revealed that 1) the mathematical connection ability of the students after organizing mathematics learning activities using REACT strategies were higher at a .05 level of significance, 2) the mathematical connection ability of the students after organizing mathematics learning activities using REACT strategies were higher than 60% at a .05 level of significance, 3) the mathematical connection ability of the students organizing mathematics learning activities using REACT strategies have been improved to the positive direction.
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