The Effects of Learning Conditioned Narrow Reading Instruction on Vocabulary Knowledge of English as Foreign Language (EFL) Learners


  • Benchamas Hanuvong Chulalongkorn University
  • Pornpimol Sukavatee Chulalongkorn University


vocabulary knowledge, narrow reading, learning conditions, vocabulary learning


This single-group pretest and posttest research aims to 1) investigate the effectiveness of learning conditioned narrow reading instruction on vocabulary knowledge of Thai EFL learners, and 2) investigate the perceptions of students towards learning conditioned narrow reading instruction on vocabulary knowledge.  The participants of this study were thirty grade 6 students enrolled in a regular program, academic year 2020 at a private school in Ayutthaya province, Thailand. The research instruments included 1) English vocabulary knowledge pretest and posttest 2) closed-ended questionnaire and 3) interview questions about the students’ perception toward learning vocabulary through learning conditioned narrow reading instruction. The data analysis employed the statistics of paired-sample t-test, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results indicated that 1) the learning condition narrow reading instruction had significant effect on the improvement of vocabulary knowledge, and 2) the result of the questionnaire and interview revealed that students had positive perceptions toward vocabulary learning through learning conditioned narrow reading.



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How to Cite

Hanuvong, B., & Sukavatee, P. . (2021). The Effects of Learning Conditioned Narrow Reading Instruction on Vocabulary Knowledge of English as Foreign Language (EFL) Learners. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602015 (15 pages). retrieved from