Preschool Teacher’s Roles in Organizing Active Learning in School Under Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office Leelawadee Group


  • Noppawarn Masoi Chulalongkorn University
  • Panutsorn Jaruchainiwat Chulalongkorn University


preschool teacher’s roles, organizing active learning, active learning


The purpose of this research is to study the role of kindergarten teachers in managing proactive education in two aspects, namely the media and environment preparation aspect and the learning support aspect. The population used in this research is 76 kindergarten teachers in  Leelawadee group (Alias) of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office. The tools used in this research are surveys and interviews. Data are analyzed by analyzing frequency distribution, finding percentage value and the average of standard deviation, and analyzing the content. It has been found that kindergarten teachers have the most role in managing proactive education overall ( =4.63). The aspect with the highest average performance score is media and environment preparation aspect ( =4.64) followed by learning support aspect ( =4.62). After considering each aspect, it is found that overall in the media and environment preparation aspect, teachers perform the most in preparing media which facilitate education, having the highest average score ( =4.65 ) This is followed by managing space and time for education ( =4.64) and creating learning atmosphere ( =4.61), respectively. In addition, overall in the learning support aspect, teachers perform the most in finding the children’s wants, having the highest average score ( =4.68) This is followed by encouraging children to act by themselves ( =4.60), and facilitating children’s learning ( =4.57), respectively


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How to Cite

Masoi, N., & Jaruchainiwat, P. (2021). Preschool Teacher’s Roles in Organizing Active Learning in School Under Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office Leelawadee Group . An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602019 (12 pages). retrieved from