Case Study: A Study of Elementary Students’ Emotional Expression in an International School


  • Pinprapai Chotchatchawalkul Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Kirati Khuvasanond Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


emotional expression, elementary students, international school


This study aimed to study the factors affecting the emotional expression of fifth-grade students in an international elementary school. This qualitative study was conducted through observation of six fifth-grade students at an international elementary school. Structured observation was used to document the findings, which included the students' emotional expressions both inside and outside the classroom. The collected information was analyzed using content analysis. The results revealed that:
1) Inappropriate emotional student expressions inside the classroom occurred in multiple ways, including aggressive actions and argument. Additionally, other emotional expressions were observed, including crying, depression, silence, and cynicism. 2) Emotional expressions outside the classroom were observed when students arrived at school in the morning, during snack break, during lunch break, on the playground, and after the last class of the day. The students’ emotional expressions included resentful gestures and cynicism.


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How to Cite

Chotchatchawalkul, P., & Khuvasanond, K. (2022). Case Study: A Study of Elementary Students’ Emotional Expression in an International School. An Online Journal of Education, 17(1), OJED1701016 (14 pages) doi: 10.14456/ojed.2022.15. Retrieved from