Effects of Organizing Non – Formal Education Activities on Vocational Skills of Aging at an Elderly School


  • Tawinan Srisawat Chulalongkorn University
  • Archanya Ratana-Ubol Chulalongkorn University


organizing non-formal activities, vocation skills, aging, an elderly school


The research aimed to 1) develop non-formal education activities on vocational skills of elderly at an elderly school and 2) study the effects of non-formal education activities on vocational skills of aging at an elderly school. The tools for data collection consisted of questionnaire about the needs of professional skill, reports from knowledge and behavioral observation, and focus group discussion with aging in an elderly school. The total group of aging are 90. The results should that: 1) the development of non-formal educational activities on vocational skills of aging in an elderly school could be described that there were the needs in home economics and marketing. Moreover, the activities were required to be flexible and contributed knowledge and skill from action among activities. 2) The result of non-formal educational activities on vocational skills of aging in an elderly school were 6 vocational skills activity. They were (1) Kuay tiew lui-suan activity (2) Mung bean rice-crepe activity (3) Fantasy coconut jelly (4) Milk custard with fruit salad activity (5) Fantasy flower activity and (6) Marketing. It contributed knowledge and skills from self-practice. A compare between before and after participations through inferential statistics with significant difference at .05. After activities, The researcher followed up on the results of aging's reflection. It was found that aging used their knowledge in daily life. Can be used to create a real career in everyday life to generate income. As well as improving the quality of life. The development of skills that continue to improve life-long learning to suit themselves.


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How to Cite

Srisawat, T., & Ratana-Ubol, A. (2021). Effects of Organizing Non – Formal Education Activities on Vocational Skills of Aging at an Elderly School. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602030 (14 pages). Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/OJED/article/view/251741