A Study the Lives of Children at Risk in Dropping Out of Elementary School at Wat Kang Klong Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


  • Riamlux Wiraphan Chulalongkorn University
  • Somphong Chitradub Chulalongkorn University


study, lives condition, at risk in droping out, elementary school


The purpose of this research is to study the life of children at risk of dropping out of elementary School at Wat Kang Klong (fictitious name) Bangkok metropolitan administration. The population used in this study include: twelve elementary students who were at risk of dropping out. The tools used in this study are unstructured interview, observation, and document. All the collected data were analysis by using triangulation and create inductive conclusions. The findings were as follows: 1) Life condition at risk of dropout among elementary school at Wat Kang Klong (fictitious name)  Bangkok metropolitan administration are frequent, indebtedness from parents. Such students are a depressed and not cheerful, aggressive and getting into fight with other students in school. Some of students having medical condition which requires regular medical attention. Some teachers blame the students due to their behavior. Incomplete family condition, poor, unstable career and some of them have low income. The community environment in which students live is precarious in being manipulated in the wrong way. The whole matter of drugs and violence is caused by lack of a good living context. It was found that the students in the group had a low performance on their academic. 2) Guidelines to help and prevent dropouts for elementary school children is that parents should watch their children closely and pay attention to their child’s academic performance. Also watch out on student’s absent. Parents should be a good example to their children. Teachers should keep tracking on student absent behavior. Director should support and coordinate with teachers to take a good care of students at risk of dropping out of the education system.


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How to Cite

Wiraphan, R., & Chitradub, S. (2021). A Study the Lives of Children at Risk in Dropping Out of Elementary School at Wat Kang Klong Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602053 (11 pages). Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/OJED/article/view/253316