Development of Mathematical Activity Package by Using Mathematization to Enhance Mathematical Connection Ability of Tenth Grade Students
mathematical package, mathematization, mathematical connection abilityAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to develop a mathematical activity package using mathematization, 2) to compare the mathematical connection ability of students after learning with this package to the criteria of 65%, 3) to compare the mathematical connection ability of the students before and after learning from the activity package, and 4) to study the development of the mathematical connection ability of students learning from the activity package. The subjects were 32 tenth grade students in Suphanburi. The instruments used for data collection included four mathematical connection ability tests; and a mathematical activity package using mathematization. The data were analyzed using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis. The results of the study revealed that 1) the development of the mathematical activity package using mathematization was of good quality, 2) the mathematical connection ability of the students after being taught using the mathematical activity package was higher than the criteria of 65% at the .05 level of significance, 3) the mathematical connection ability of the students after being taught using the mathematical activity package was higher than before being taught at the .05 level of significance, and 4) the mathematical connection ability components were changed in a positive direction in term of explaining solutions, identifying mathematical knowledge, and identifying examples close to the original problem.
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