Effects of physical education learning management using pilates activities with brain gym on learning achievement and divergent thinking skills of upper secondary school students
learning in physical education management, learning achievements, Brain Gym, divergent thinking skillsAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study the effects of Physical Education learning management using Pilates activities with Brain Gym on learning achievement and divergent thinking skills of upper secondary school students. The samples were 40 students, divided into 2 groups (20 students in each group of an experimental and a control. The research instruments consisted of 8 lesson plans, pretest and posttest for learning achievement, and divergent of thinking skills test. The experiment was conducted for 8 weeks, 1 day per week, 50 minutes per day. The tests were conducted to measure learning achievement in knowledge, morality, attitude, sports skills, and physical fitness. and divergent of thinking skills. The data were analyzed using mean (Mean), standard deviation (SD), test for difference of mean scores with t-test. The results were as follows 1) the mean scores of achievement scores and divergent thinking skills after the experiment of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than before the experiment at the .05 level; 2) the mean of the achievement scores. The learning ability and multiple thinking skills between the experimental group and the control group after the experiment were significantly higher than the control group students at the .05 level.
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