Results of Using an Inquiry Training Model to Enhance Delayed Gratification for First Graders During a Transitional Period
delayed gratification, inquiry training model, transitional periodAbstract
The objective of the research was to compare delayed gratification scores of first graders before, during, and after the use of an inquiry training model. The sample of this study was 14 first graders
who were selected using purposive sampling and were studying in the first semester during a transitional period of the 2022 academic year at a private school under the Office of the Private Education Commission (School in Bangkok). The research instruments were lesson plans using an inquiry training model and an assessment form of delayed gratification. The inquiry training model has 5 phases which are encountering the problem, data gathering, making an assumption, creating an explanation, and question analysis. The data were analyzed using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test, and qualitative analysis. This study found that the first graders’ overall mean scores for delayed gratification after using the inquiry training model was higher than the pre-test mean with a statistical non-significance at the .05 level. Their delayed gratification change occurred gradually, and the students were able to wait more patiently and peacefully.
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