Professional Teachers of a New Generation in The Perspective Buddhism


  • Pranee ์Naktong
  • Rawing Ruangsanka
  • Intha Siriwan


Professional teachers, New Generation, Buddhist perspective


The objective of this article was to present the concept of a professional teacher from a Buddhist perspective. Teachers are good friends who recommend benefits to students. Teachers must have skills in teaching and transferring in order to draw on the students' potential in developing knowledge, the ability of the disciple to be effective at full capacity. Teachers in Buddhism therefore have Buddhist principles in guiding students to have knowledge and behavior. Professional teachers have the qualities of being a good friend or a true friend. 

The word teacher, when someone approaches, it will cause goodness and prosperity, which the teacher guides students to prosper through compassion for them, wishing students to have progress in their careers. Teachers are great persons in the eyes of all students. It can be said that the teacher is the creator of a new soul to be a national resource to have quality, good persons, potential, and high performance, work well with others and have fun. This is a true professional teacher should be respected comfortably.


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How to Cite

์Naktong P., Ruangsanka, R., & Siriwan, I. (2022). Professional Teachers of a New Generation in The Perspective Buddhism. Wishing Journal Review, 1(3), AA 1– 12. Retrieved from