Supervision Management Model for Schools in 21st Century, for Supervisor Samutprakarn Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Kwannalin Saisok
  • Paradee Anannawee
  • Monasit Sittisomboon


Model, Supervision, Management education in the 21st Century, Study Supervision


This research paper aims to 1) study the current conditions and orientation of educational management of 21st century educational institutions under the Office of Ocean Prairie Elementary Education District 1 using questionnaires with 72 school principals, and determine the size of the sample groups according to the schedule of Crejcie and Morgan. 1970: 607-610). Sample group of 62 persons 2) Develop and evaluate the educational management publicity model of educational facilities in the 21st century of educational education. Under the Samut Prakan Elementary Education District Office 1, using interviews, informants were 5 educational management specialists and conducted a contentive analysis. 3) Experiment and evaluate the educational management model of 21st century educational institutions under the Samut Prakan Elementary Education District Office 1 with schools under the city One school, including the principal of the school, the vice principal of the school, the head of the learning subject group, and the study of 10 subjects, obtained a sample group of 20 people.

As a result of the research, 1) the current condition and orientation of educational management of 21st century educational facilities under the Samut Prakan Elementary Education Area Office 1, and overall, 2) the format of educational management of 21st century educational facilities under the Samut Prakan Elementary Education Area Office, District 1 consists of: Three main components, i.e., 1st component, i.e. 1) designation of the method, 2) designation, 3) prioritization, 4) evaluation of current conditions, and 5) create media and tools, i.e. 2nd component, there are 5 stages: 1) basic data analysis (Analysis) 2) follow-up planning (Plan) 3) follow-up (Implement).) 4) The stage of reflecting the results of the follow-up nition (Reflect) and 5) the stage of evaluating and summarizing the results of follow-up nition (Evaluation) The third component promoting nition is 1) the role of the subject, 2) human relationship. 3) Participation, and 4) Establishment of Nition Network and 3) Experimental Results of Educational Management Nition Model of Educational Facilities in the 21st Century of Education under the Samut Prakan Elementary Education Area Office, found that 20 students, school administrators and teachers all had a consistent opinion that the three elements of the school were the same. The educational management orientation model of 21st century educational institutions of the orientation education under the Office of Ocean Elementary Education District 1 is appropriate, accurate. Possibilities and usefulness are at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Saisok, K., Anannawee, P., & Sittisomboon, M. (2022). Supervision Management Model for Schools in 21st Century, for Supervisor Samutprakarn Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Wishing Journal Review, 1(3), AR 27 – 40. Retrieved from