


Nora, Academic institution, Performing arts


             This research aims to study the history and development of Nora (a traditional Southern Thai dancing performance) instruction in academic in the Southern part of Thailand. The research has found that Nora instruction in academic institutions was first operated in Songkhla’s female school in the secondary level. Later, Nora’s teaching was expanded to the provincial teacher training school and to the teacher’s college respectively. The directors and teachers were responsible for operating the instruction for students during the semester break in the form of a project in a selective club. Nora performers were invited as special trainers for the class in a consecutive period of time until students were able to perform the art according to the curriculum. The students then received certificates through assessments. Concrete performances were also held by students. Once Nora’s teaching in a teacher’s college level was able to deliver complete knowledge to teachers and students, the art of Nora has obviously increased its strength and a group of Nora performers has been established to pass on the performance art knowledge in a well-defined, traditional instruction. The teaching was held in the form of a student club’s activity. Later, the knowledge of Nora has become a Nora art performance curriculum in primary school high school and university. There are courses, assessments, and certified credits in an undergraduate level. Therefore, Nora art performance has been widely recognized in the academic field. Nora instructors are university lecturers as well as Nora performances who are capable of delivering the knowledge of performing arts. Also, Nora instructors are rotated to pass on the performing art knowledge in all learning levels in Southern Thailand.


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How to Cite

NIKOMRAT, T. (2022). NORA IN THE ACADEMIC. Journal of Suan Sunandha Arts and Culture, 2(1), 1–11. retrieved from