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            Mai Charoenpura, an artist, singer-actress began to enter the entertainment industry with her own talent and determination at the age of 15. She has experience working in all forms of acting such as movies, TV series, stage plays, concerts, female models, short film producer. In this article synthesized and analyze the way of her management working in the profession career path of Miss Mai Charoenpura from lectures in a study program by in-depth interviews to collected data from experience with the essential skills of being an actor to find best practice in the entertainment industry.

            Her career path ideas to work include 1) considering the role and type of acting to perform 2) preparing for the shoot 3) studying and analyzing the characters from script reading 4) professional ethics and integrate with basic skills that actors should have: 1) emotional performance 2) imagination 3) creativity 4) analytical thinking 5) movement 6) energy of acting 7) concentration 8) communication 9) Voice skills  

            Mai Charoenpura has demonstrated her ability to be an actor, and artist who has always been recognized for her quality work due to her determination, discipline, passionate of her profession until becoming a good practice guideline in the profession for all actors and interested in the career of an actor used as a benchmark in the work to create a standard of good actors. to produce good results. This leads to the creation of professional standards of Thai actors for the Thai entertainment industry.

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How to Cite
MEDHANEE, S. . (2023). DECODE PROFESSION ACTING: MAI CHAROENPURA. Journal of Suan Sunandha Arts and Culture, 3(1), 1–16. Retrieved from


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