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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Manuscript preparation

    1) Length of Academic article is not over 15 page and length of Research article is not over 20 pages of A4 type only 1 side and (Including of photo, table, referent document and appendix).

    2) Font of Thai and Chinese letter is required to only use TH Sarabun and SIMSUN respectively.

    3) Title of Article, font size is 18 pt. (Bold), center of page both of Thai and English.

  • 4)Name of authors are required to identify their original affiliation / address / and email address (only for main author), font size 16 pt., center of page both of Thai and English. Spaces 1 line from the title of article.

    5) Abstract, key words, both of Thai and English; font size is 16 pt.(bold) left edge. Spaces 1 line from Email Address.

    6) Length of abstract in article ,both of Thai and English, is not longer than 200 words.

  • 7) Content of abstract both of Thai and English are required a paragraph of 1.25 cm., typing at left and right margins (Thai distributed). And Keyword of Article is typed after the Keyword topics. Font size 16 pt. and no line spacing.

    8) In the case of a Thai or Chinese article, type the title, the author's name, the affiliation, the email address, the abstract and the key word in the language used in the article writing and also have English. For English articles, there is only one language, which is English.

    9) Heading Name, font size 16 pt.(bold), left edge, not numbered. Spaces 1 line from the previous content..

  • 10) Subheading Name, font size 16 pt.(bold), a paragraph of 1.25 cm. and no line spacing.m.

    11) Article content, paragraph 1.25 cm, typing at left and right margins (Thai distributed) font size 16 pt. If there are clauses that are not numbers. Use the hyphen (-) of the same article as the headline without any line spacing.

    12) Name and number indicate the table, font size 16 pt. (Bold). Specify on the left edge table, such as Table 1. Cost comparison. Spaces 1 line from the content before the table. And under the table showing content sources, left edge and no spacing lines.

  • 13) Typing the table according to the APA format (no vertical lines, horizontal lines, there are only 2 table lines: above 1 table details, 1 line under table details and 1 table line ending). The next page doesn't have to be a grid line. And on the next page, insert the table head (continued)

    14) Name and number of images chart, font size 16 pt. (Bold). Specify under the image or chart in the center of the page, such as picture 1, the research framework under the chart image, indicate the source of data, left edge and no spacing lines.

    15) Margins, top 2.54 cm., under 2.54 cm., left 2.54 cm., right 2.54 cm.

  • 16) Page number is required at under right, from the beginning of article until end.

    17) Author has to submit the inspection results of Akarawisut program (Plagiarism Checker) together with article (literature shall not be allowed copying more than 20%).

    18) Bibliography list is required font 16 pt.(bold), left edge.

    19) The content of bibliography is required font 16 pt. (follow APA format)

    20) The author must make a summary table of the editing of articles according to the recommendations of academic professional.

    21)The decision of publishers is finally authorized and ending process.

  • กรณีผู้นิพนธ์เป็นบุคคลทั่วไป ค่าธรรมเนียมบทความละ 5,000 บาท
    กรณีผู้นิพนธ์เป็นอาจารย์ บุคลากร หรือนักศึกษาปัจจุบันของมหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ ค่าธรรมเนียมบทความละ 3,000 บาท *ทั้งนี้ บุคคลภายในที่มีชื่อเป็นผู้ร่วมผลงานกับบุคคลภายนอก ให้ชำระค่าประเมินคุณภาพบทความ บทความละ 5,000 บาท

    ค่าธรรมเนียมการจัดส่งบทความ โอนเงินเข้าบัญชีออมทรัพย์ ธนาคารกสิกรไทย ชื่อบัญชี มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ เลขที่ 450-2-05411-8 การส่งบทความให้แนบหลักฐานการโอนเงินมาพร้อมกัน

    *ทางวารสารเก็บค่าดำเนินการ เมื่อส่งบทความเข้าระบบพร้อมแนบหลักฐานการชำระเงิน*

Author Guidelines


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