The Evaluation Research of Bachelor Degree Program in Business Administration Chinese Business (New Curriculum 2011) Business Administration Faculty Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


  • ชุติระ ระบอบ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ
  • อดุลย์ นงภา คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ
  • สุชาติ วัฒกานนท์ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ
  • มรกต กำแพงเพชร คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ
  • สุพิศพรรณ วัจนเทพินทร์ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


Evaluation Research, Chinese Business Program


This research aimed to evaluate the quality management in education of the the Bachelor Degree Program in Business Administration (Chinese Business) (New Curriculum 2011). The evaluative research was based on the Daniel L. Stufflebeam CIPP Model comprised of context, input, process and output, the population included stakeholder such as current students, graduates, employers and lecturers. The research instrument’s were questionnaires, interviews and focus group by using simple statistics : frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and descriptive data analyzed.

The results of this research represented the maximum scored average in each factors of this model which consist of 1) Context : credits were appropriate, the suitable of the subjects priority, subject matter were in accordance with the curriculum, not complicate in each subject matters and suffciency in selected subjects. 2) Input : were the good attitude’s learner and the lecturer have code of ethics in career. 3) Process : the objectives, scope, activities and หกevaluation be clear, it has the impulse and let learner to have suggestion in class, the appropriate of the period of time and promote learners to get used to internet technology. The curriculum have different activities. 4) Output : the graduates have profound knowledge in program, include another knowledge in others subject for work. Besides graduates have effciency in techniques and problem solving method. For affective domain graduate have creative mind, sacrifce and dedication. For skill, they abide by organization’s objectives and goals. The differential fundamental knowledge in Chinese language is the problem of first year students. The research suggestion was the curriculum should focus area of study in Chinese  business and strengthening of cooperation connectivity with related partnerships.




How to Cite

ระบอบ ช., นงภา อ., วัฒกานนท์ ส., กำแพงเพชร ม., & วัจนเทพินทร์ ส. (2017). The Evaluation Research of Bachelor Degree Program in Business Administration Chinese Business (New Curriculum 2011) Business Administration Faculty Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 9(2), 123–140. Retrieved from



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