The Influence of Success to Breeding of Red-Whiskered Bulbul in Conditions Movable Caged


  • พิชศาล พันธุ์วัฒนา Faculty of Police Science, Royal Police Cadet Academy, Nakonpathom Province


Red-Whiskered Bulbul, The Success to Breeding birds, Movable caged


The purposes of this research were to study (1) generality of cage, environment,
food, accessory and the success in breeding red-whiskered bulbul and (2) The influence of
cage, environment, food, accessory involvement to the success in breeding red-whiskered
bulbul. This study was conducted by applying 2 research methodologies. Quantitative
approach, questionnaire used to collect data from 58 of the person who breed bird. The data
was analyzed, using descriptive statistics, hierarchical regression analysis. To the qualitative
approach, used to collect data from 11 of the person who breed bird by in-depth interview,
focus group, observation, video record, field notes and memos was conducted with the
person breed bird in Bangkok area. The results indicated that size and opacity of cage, clean
and weather, worm and lumber had 48.8 percent to the influence of success to breeding of
red-whiskered bulbul in conditions movable caged. (Scantling had the most influence)

Author Biography

พิชศาล พันธุ์วัฒนา, Faculty of Police Science, Royal Police Cadet Academy, Nakonpathom Province


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How to Cite

พันธุ์วัฒนา พ. (2018). The Influence of Success to Breeding of Red-Whiskered Bulbul in Conditions Movable Caged. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(2), 7–22. Retrieved from



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