The Role of Local Politicians in Managerial in Surin Municipality Surin Province


  • โรจนินทร์ ศรีปองพันธ์ Surin Rajabhat University
  • จิรายุ ทรัพย์สิน
  • วันชัย สุขตาม


The Role, Local Politicians, Management, Municipality


This research aims To study the role of local politicians To study the public opinion
And To study Suggestion the role of local politicians in managerial in surin municipality,
Surin provice. By using a research mixed methodology, The quantitative research, Collect
data from representative people living in surin municipality, Surin provice. 396 person.
Using random sampling a multi-stage. Analysis of the data percentage, mean, standard
deviation, the test hypothesis by t-test and F-test. The qualitative research data from the
Executive Council. And Council President or Vice President of the Council. Alderman and
President of the Community of 20 person, by means of selecting the Purposive Sampling,
Using interview to collect data, The data was content analysis and Category of content, The
research found that: The role of local politicians. The overall average is moderate,
considering it was found that an average in the maximum level is the education system
And promote local culture. The comparison of public opinion. Found that people with
gender and occupation a different, overall difference was statistically, significant at the 0.01,
People with education level and monthly income a different, overall no difference.
Suggestions. The cooperation of the public to separate waste, separate bins by type of waste
and educate the public to separate waste. Should install security cameras (CCTV) cover all

areas. Provide a greater variety of foreign languages. Provide a staff, community volunteers
serve more. Should further strengthen and promote the participation of all communities.
Should control the speed of the car, provide a check stores and restaurants that create
pollution waste to the community.

Author Biography

โรจนินทร์ ศรีปองพันธ์, Surin Rajabhat University

Roajanin Sripongpan, Jirayu Supsin and Wanchai Suktam
Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Surin Rajabhat University, Thailand


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How to Cite

ศรีปองพันธ์ โ., ทรัพย์สิน จ., & สุขตาม ว. (2018). The Role of Local Politicians in Managerial in Surin Municipality Surin Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(2), 39–54. Retrieved from



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