Impact of the Professionalism of Accountants on Earning Quality


  • จิราพร กรัดเพ็ชร์ Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technolog
  • ดารารัตน์ โพธิ์ประจักษ์


Professionalism, Accountant, Earning Quality


This research analyzes data of 197 accountants working at the Industrial Estate in
Ayutthaya. The purpose is to find the impact of total professionalism of accountants on earning
quality with a statistical significance level of 0.05 (Sig of F = 0.000 < 0.05). The result shows
that the professionalism of accountants can explain 13.70 (R2 = 0.137) percent of variation in
earning quality. Organization skills show the positive impact on earning quality with a statistical
significance level of 0.01.

Author Biography

จิราพร กรัดเพ็ชร์, Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technolog

19 Uthong Road, Thawasukri , Phranakhon-Si-Ayutthaya District,
Phranakhon-Si-Ayutthaya Province, 13000.
Rajamangala Univercity of Technology Suvarnabhumi,


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How to Cite

กรัดเพ็ชร์ จ., & โพธิ์ประจักษ์ ด. (2018). Impact of the Professionalism of Accountants on Earning Quality. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(2), 107–122. Retrieved from



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