Factor Affecting to Supply Chain Risk in Thai Automotive Industry


  • แววมยุรา คำสุข Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


Risks, Supply Chain, Automotive Industry


The objective of this research was to study the factors influencing the risks
affecting the supply chain of Thailand’s automotive industry. This quantitative research used
the questionnaire to collected data from 327 samples. According to the results, the factors
influencing the risks occurring outside the supply chain regarding the high level of risk are
as follows: prices increased, quality problems of suppliers, taxes increased, failure of
transportation, failure of suppliers, supply of customers changed, technology changed, oil
crisis, accidents, export and import limitations, natural disasters, errors of IT systems,
strikes, and terrorist attacks, respectively. The factors influencing the risks occurring within
the supply chain regarding the high level of risk are as follows: setting or implementation of
policy and strategy, shortage of resources, skills and competence, machines breakdowns,
investment, wrong material supply, operational inefficiencies, failure of production planning,
and errors of inspection on raw material or parts, respectively. In consequence, the
executives in Thailand’s automotive industry should plan strategies, policies, and procedures
to focus on preventing these incoming risks.

Author Biography

แววมยุรา คำสุข, Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University

18/18 Bangna-Trad Highway (KM. 18), Bang Chalong, Bang Phli District,
Samut Prakan Province 10540


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How to Cite

คำสุข แ. (2018). Factor Affecting to Supply Chain Risk in Thai Automotive Industry. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(2), 123–142. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/162260



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