Cashless Society


  • ชลิตพันธ์ บุญมีสุวรรณ Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


cashless society, financial transaction, payment method


The objective of this article aimed to investigate the characteristics of cashless
society and payment method which have changed from old-fashioned transaction change
during the 21st century reckoned as an evolutionary economic theory. The trend of this
payment transformation has extended to various countries around the world, including
Thailand. The consequences of a cashless society will result in changing consumer’s
behavior and online shopping have become more popular. The consumer requirements in
more convenience, modern and styles have impacted on the business which needs to adapt
and accommodate that change. The QR code system will become a key part in the financial
system, Cut including, the consumers must carefully spend to fit their income. 1) Therefore,
the understanding of those changes would help 2) stakeholders to prepare and accept the
outcome in the future all concerned parties

Author Biography

ชลิตพันธ์ บุญมีสุวรรณ, Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University

Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
18/18 Bangna-Trad Highway (KM. 18), Bang Chalong, Bang Phli District,
Samut Prakan Province 10540


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How to Cite

บุญมีสุวรรณ ช. (2018). Cashless Society. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(2), 235–248. retrieved from



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