Business Analytics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence


  • เจริญศักดิ์ แซ่จึง Faculty of Business Administration, HCU


Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence


According to the increasing demand of businesses in driving their organizations with data,
it is highly essential for them to have capable analytics tools which can generate more actionable
insights. Business analytics today is not only performed by data scientists or analysts but also
performed by business users who possess deeper understanding of the data content but are lack of
data analytics skills. Consequently, artificial intelligence-enabled analytics tools that are easy to
use may have crucial impacts on generating more useful actionable insights and making business
users more productive. This article main purpose is to create an understanding of major functions
of artificial intelligence-enabled analytics tools in supporting business users’ decision making and
data analysts’ working with models.


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How to Cite

แซ่จึง เ. (2019). Business Analytics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(2), 157–177. Retrieved from



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