Influence of Good Corporate Governance Disclosure on the Performance Of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Listed Companies


  • ดารารัตน์ โพธิ์ประจักษ์


good corporate governance disclosure, performance, listed company


This objective of this research were to study and compare the good corporate governance
disclosure of the Stock Exchange of Thailand listed companies and to study the relationship
of good corporate governance disclosure on the performance of the SET listed companied.
The population of this study was 446 the Stock Exchange of Thailand listed companies. Data
studied included annual reports(Form 56-1) and annual financial statements, and notes to the
financial statements during 2010-2013.
The results showed that the real estate and construction industry group had good
corporate governance disclosure, affecting return on equity (ROE) under the following
equation: ROE = -1.9507 + 23.778 (CGPC). The agro & food industry group and industrial
goods industry group had good corporate governance disclosure, affecting earning per share
(EPS) under the following forecasting equations: EPS = 5.633 + 87.24 (CGHE) and EPS =
0.397 + 0.891 (CGID).


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How to Cite

โพธิ์ประจักษ์ ด. (2019). Influence of Good Corporate Governance Disclosure on the Performance Of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Listed Companies. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(2), 37–50. Retrieved from



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