The Antecedent and Consequent of Migrants Worker Management Capability


  • พนิดา นิลอรุณ
  • วิโรจน์ เจษฎาลักษณ์
  • จันทนา แสนสุข


Migrants Worker, Migrants Worker Management Capability, The Antecedent and Consequent


The purpose of this paper is to construct the antecedent and consequent of migrant
worker management capability conceptual framework. The study is conducted by using
literature review and then document analysis to construct a conceptual framework. The results indicates that the antecedent consists of migrants worker awareness and diversity management
capability which have an influence on migrants worker management capability, the consequent
consists of human resource management excellence, production efficiency, effective customer
response and organization performance. According to the results of this study the conceptual
framework can be tested for the development of migrant worker management guideline within
the organization that employs migrant workers to display an empirical evidence. Finally, it
would contribute to a better performance of an organization itself


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How to Cite

นิลอรุณ พ., เจษฎาลักษณ์ ว., & แสนสุข จ. (2019). The Antecedent and Consequent of Migrants Worker Management Capability. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(2), 178–197. Retrieved from



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