Causal Model of Factors Influencing Innovation Performance of Thai Automotive Industry


  • Phatthanaphong Phengchan 1Faculty of Business Administration Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
  • Teerat Ratrawetakorn
  • Pranom Thangpreecharparnich


Market Pressure Collaborative, Networks Supply Chain Management, Innovation Performance, Thai Automotive Industry


This research of purpose was to study the factors influencing of the variable innovation performance of Thai automotive industry. The study used quantitative research by questionnaires for data collection. The data 320 companies were manager, supervisors and engineers in the Thai automotive industry. According to the analysis, it was found that supply chain management has influence on innovation performance (coef.=0.717). The results showed that market pressure through collaboration networks and supply chain management will result indirect influence in higher values on innovation performance. According to the Goodness of Fit Measure of causal model of factors influencing innovation performance of Thai automotive industry, it was found the model fit at Chi-square( x2) =42.978, df =44, p =.515, CMIN/DF( x2/df) =.977, GFI=.982, CFI=1.000, AGFI=.968, NFI=.980 and RMSEA=.000 The final model can explain innovation performance with 74 percent (R2 = 0.74).



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How to Cite

Phengchan, P. ., Ratrawetakorn , T. ., & Thangpreecharparnich, P. . (2021). Causal Model of Factors Influencing Innovation Performance of Thai Automotive Industry . Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 13(2), 305–322. Retrieved from



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