Effects of Cognitive and Affective Country Image in the Full Service Restaurant Sector
Affective Country Image, Cognitive Country Image, Country of Origin, Country Image, Restaurant IndustryAbstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between cognitive and affective country image and consumer evaluations in the full service restaurant setting. The study conducts a quantitative survey of 370 Thai consumers to verify the proposed hypotheses. Japanese, Italian, and Chinese full service restaurants are chosen as they are ranked in the top three in terms of consumer preference. Structural equation modeling (SEM) provides evidence that affective influence plays a major role in consumer evaluations in the restaurant setting. Specifically, consumers’ positive emotions toward the selected countries i.e. likability, friendliness, peace-lovingness and ideals of a country dominate the cognitive or fact-based component on restaurant choice. The results contribute theoretically in that different aspects of country image studies in the service context, especially in the restaurant industry, have rarely been addressed. The proposed model would enable multinational marketers to better manage and communicate country image as a positive affective element to their customers.
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