An Important Performance Analysis (IPA) of Service Quality of Fine Dining Restaurant in Phitsanulok, Thailand


  • Phisunt Tinakhat Naresuan University International College
  • Santidhorn Pooripakdee Naresuan University International College


Important Performance Analysis, Service Quality, Fine-dining Restaurant, Thailand


Restaurant business is one of important businesses in the tourism industry. One type of restaurants that is becoming popular is the fine-dining restaurant that focuses on providing excellent service. To impress the customers to come back to use the service again is not easy; therefore, the concept of service quality is a good tool for fine-dining restaurants to be used and implemented to create good service standard. This research aims to study ways to increase service quality of fine-dining restaurants in Phitsanulok by using the Performance-Priority Analysis (IPA) as a tool to assess service quality. Purposive sampling was conducted by distributing surveys to 200 Thai customers of fine-dining restaurant in Phitsanulok from October 2019 to November 2019. The result of the research shown that consumers place the most importance on Assurance, followed by Empathy, Reliability which were in Quadrant 2, Responsiveness was in Quadrant 4, and Tangibility was in Quadrant 1.


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How to Cite

Tinakhat, P., & Pooripakdee, S. . (2022). An Important Performance Analysis (IPA) of Service Quality of Fine Dining Restaurant in Phitsanulok, Thailand. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(2), 129–148. retrieved from



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